Tingling is a condition that often occurs in the human body, It is usually experienced in the hands or feet. Tingling occurs due to irritation of sensory nervous system and cause one of the organs of the body such as the immune. But most cases, areas of the body that often experienced the tingling is away. The mark of the distance the tingling i.e. soles that felt very thick or swollen. Even to experience the taste of hot as many ants bite walk.

    Tingling can be divided into two types according to the time IE temporary tingling and tingling long term. Temporary tingling occurs when there is a member of the body that are experiencing pressure in a long time. This mmbuat blood supply to the nerves in that area be hampered. For example, you can feel it after sitting cross-legged for too long or wearing shoes too small. Tingling in the hand can also be felt, for example when sleeping with the littlest toe arm position.

    This condition could be subsiding by itself if you liberate the area from pressure tingling, such as straightening the legs after sitting cross-legged or releasing the hand that littlest toe. So the blood flow going back smoothly.

    In addition to the pressure, causes of tingling while can be caused by dehydration and hyperventilation, that is the condition when you breathe too fast. Other causes of Raynaud's disease is. This disease affects the blood supply to certain areas on the body, like fingers and toes. This disease especially strikes when the sufferers are stressed, restless, or in a room-temperature cold.

    While, tingling that occurs in prolonged usually associated with health conditions, for example due to suffering from diabetes, kidney disorders, liver disease, stroke, brain tumor, cancer, hormonal imbalance, multiple sclerosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnaris nerve compression.

    In addition, the drugs are being consumed can also trigger the tingling, for example, chemotherapy drugs are used to overcome breast cancer and Lymphoma, anti drug seizures, antibiotics, and a cure for the disease of HIV/AIDS.

    Exposure to toxic substances can also cause tingling. Toxic substances associated, for example, mercury, thallium, lead, arsenic, and some other industrial chemicals. Or it could be due to a deficiency of certain nutrients.

    Tingling will surely interfere with comfort and everyday activities while most tingling only temporary. However, If you experience tingling got worse, accompanied by the appearance of rash, dizziness, muscle spasms, frequent urination, arises the pain in the neck, forearm and finger, then the body feels weak or can not move then you are advised to memeriksakannya to the doctor. Don't let it interfere with your activities tingling.

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